College Articles

5 Financial Tips For College Students

When you are in college, you should just be studying and concentrating on getting the skills you need to have a bright career in the future. Unfortunately, you are also worrying about other things such as your peers, your clothes and most importantly, your budget. Handling your money in college is pretty hard and can put you in a big financial mess by the time you graduate from college. You [...]

Advantages of going into a University

We all know that getting a degree from a college is the best way you can go through life and have that total advantage for your future. However, with the advent of technology and today’s practical attitude, many people are thinking otherwise. Some people just decide to take online degrees since it’s more manageable. Some decide to just take short courses and only get the technical knowledge needed to get [...]

Be your own technician and earn money

It’s no secret that every day the world becomes more and more dependent on computers. From handling financial records to communicating with others; we practically use computers in everything. So if a computer crashes, chaos seems to emerge. Luckily, there are the computer saviors – the technicians. If your computer needs to be repaired, then you should call a technician immediately. You have the options to consult a freelance technician or [...]

College Pickup Lines

No matter where you graduate from or where you study, it is very likely that sometime during your college endeavor, a potential boyfriend/girlfriend, suitor or date will give you his/her most seductive smile and ask, “So, what’s your major?” And after finding out about your college major, maybe this young eager beaver co-ed tried his/her luck by impressing you with their familiarity with your field by adding a pickup line. We [...]

How Important is Education?

It’s quite a mystery why some people would still ask about the importance of education. Well, look around you. Everything you see is because of education. Education has the power to make the world a better place and we are what we are because of education. But just to remind us how important education really is, this article will enumerate some of education’s benefits. Read on and learn why girls [...]

Learn the Best Place to Exercise your Brain!

The internet is filled with thousands of free online games, which is played by all people around the globe. Whether you’re young or old, a professional or a student, all of us enjoy the multitude of online games available on the internet. There are action games, puzzle games, role playing, simulation, sports and much more. There’s one for every type of person. If you will invest some of your free time [...]

Maximize the Use of Internet for Higher Education

Millions of people are getting inspired by a new era of online education, but the question of whether using internet technology in education is good or bad is still uncertain. Many believe that using internet and other technology allows for a much better learning environment. Let’s expound on this further.. First, the internet has made it easier for students to do research for their school work. The amount of resources the [...]

Significance of Earning a College Degree

Education is the greatest investment for the future. Indeed it is! That is why you should pursue your studies in college because when it comes to benefits, a degree earner has a greater chance of having a better career than a high school graduate. As you can see earning a college degree is an investment, time consuming, stressful, and it needs a lot of effort. The positive changes it brings [...]

Tips for Writing School Essays for Admissions

For some colleges and universities, there are requirements one must complete in order to be accepted. Some of the requirements are a certain grade average, good moral standing, passing an entrance exam, and of course school essays as part of the admissions process. School admission essays are a very important part of your journey to attend college. It is an indication that colleges and universities place extra attention on your [...]

Will Online Programs Replace The Brick and Mortar Education?

Online courses are here to stay, we can’t deny that. But re-creating the experience of a traditional classroom in a virtual environment is really a tricky feat. So do you really think that the advancement of online programs can replace the brick and mortal school? Let’s weigh the good and the bad: The Good Choosing online classes means learning from your own convenient environment. You may even review your classwork when you [...]