*Average salaries provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Art, Fashion and Design Schools and Colleges
Do you enjoy creating designs? Do you have an appreciation and eye for art, color and pattern? Would you enjoy graphic design, fashion design, or art history? If you answer a resounding yes to any or all of these questions, then a course in the college of Art, Fashion and Design would be the perfect choice.
Most of the students in the Art, Fashion and Design departments are creative or artistic, which is a true gift. Let your talent be honed and polished by enrolling in a great Art, Fashion and Design college. The institution will give you the proper training on how to use your skills to its maximum as well as how to properly advance your skill. Art colleges also develop in its students a love and appreciation for the different forms of art. Your major will give you the career that you love, but you will be open to new vistas of art as well. And who knows, you may discover along the way that you are as good in fashion design as in interior design.
You may be tempted to think that you would be able to have a career in the Art world without any formal training. However, in the competitive world of today, having an Art degree gives you the competitive edge. Furthermore, in an Art college, you will be dealing with successful and talented people in the industry. You will learn how to interact with these professionals, have the feel on how professional artists and designers work, and most importantly you will be networking with people that might matter later in your professional career. So choose your college today.
The world of Art and Design is one of the broadest colleges out there. It encompasses many areas of studies. Some of the most popular ones are:
Fashion Design – Study the art of creating different types of clothing, accessories and footwear. Fashion design colleges will cover everything from choosing fabrics, sketching designs and even how to sell your creations.
Game Art and Development – Learn how to create animation and visual effects of your favorite computer, mobile and video games.
Graphic Arts and Design – Choose to be a part of one of the most in demand careers in today’s marketplace and learn how to create visual concepts for advertisements, websites, magazines and brochures that will inspire, inform and captivate consumers.
Interior Design – Learn how to design the interior of any home to make them look elegant, functional, and safe. Ultimately, you want to make everyone feel at home. Interior design colleges will help you through every step, from choosing decorative items to being aware of building codes.
There are numerous Arts, Fashion and Design colleges in the United States as well as around the world. They offer undergraduate courses such as BA animation, BA ceramics, BA photography, BA fashion, BA film, BA fine arts, BA glass, BA Jewelry, BA printing/drawing/printmaking, graphic design courses and much more. They also offer postgraduate courses such as a Master in contemporary crafts, Master in photography, Masters in curatorial practices and more. When choosing your college you’ll want to choose wisely because it is an investment that will last you a lifetime. Different colleges and universities have different strengths; choose the college that excels in your strength and specialization. It would also help you to research the chosen college of those designers you admire to give you more insight.